The conclusion of Jesus--you are still worth it!
Yesterday, we watched the movie “The Patriot”, a story of a composite group of American rebels in the Revolution. Gabriel finds an American flag full of bullet holes, tattered and torn up. As he picks it up, a wounded Continental soldier says, “It’s a lost cause.” Gabriel takes the flag remains and we see him in other scenes patching and sewing it back together. Later, his father rides with it, and when the men see him and the flag, they all cheer. To strive for freedom is not a lost cause.
This is a picture of one aspect of Christ’s love. Jesus does not take into account all of the times we have messed up and then conclude that we are a lost cause. There is always hope for us to return to Him, to get right with Him, to learn the lesson once again, to respond with the right heart once again. It is not the nature of the love in Christ to figure out from our past actions/lack of actions that we are unreachable or a waste of His time, and more importantly, His blood.
On the flip side, how does our love of Christ compare to Him? Have we concluded that Jesus is just not going to do any better in our life than where we are now? Have we looked at the times that He has not done for us as we expect and then concluded that we’re done with Him for a while? Remember that He is Master, we serve HIM. What if we put together the good that He has done and conclude that He is not finished with us yet? Can we see that whenever we call on Him with our whole heart, He is right there? The truth—He’s been right there the whole time. What if we were that way with Him? That is what love for Christ looks like. And can we love like this toward our “neighbor?”
1 Corinthians 13:5—…[love] does not reckon/consider of bad/evil things…